Sunday, September 11, 2011

One Year Ago Today...

One year ago today our lives were changed forever.  You see, yesterday, September 10th, 2011, would have been Endurance's first birthday.  Hurrah!!!  Yet, a year ago today we were told he had a congenital heart defect.  When something like this is told to you of your one day old baby, the first thought, as mine was, might be, "What? This only happens to those 'other people' who are more prepared, more mature, and can handle stuff like this!"  In our time at the hospital this past year, I asked many parents their feelings about when they were "told."  All answers were the same as mine.  Yet, God is sovereign in everything.  EVERYTHING!!!!  I can be the weakest and He will take care of me.  Oh I'm so glad He has!

I haven't written much since Endurance went to Heaven, but I did want to write on his birthday.  I cannot find anything more appropriate than this beautiful poem written by a young man at our church after Endurance passed away.  And also appropriate for Believers on the 10th anniversary of the terrorists attack on the U.S. Here it is....


Though your days be dark and clouded,
Eyes red with grief and crying;
Life with pain and suffering shrouded,
To move through life you are trying.
Wishing to forget because of the pain,
Wishing not to because of the memories;
At Christ's feet shed tears are lain.

You may feel helpless and full of grief;
Dark and angry clouds covering your sky,
Searching for a sign of hope and relief,
To get by on your own strength you may try;
An effort such as that will only fail,
To find hope you have but to look to Christ,
He will carry and guide you along your trail.

Your look on life do not let this mar;
For earth is but a temporary place,
He who yo have lost is not lost and not far.
On Christ's knee gazing into His smiling face,
Those that see Christ's glorious face are few,
You sometime may be chosen to follow;
Then in Christ's face will gaze he and you.

Written by Joshua Booy, 15, for the Holston Family

God bless all of you!  ~Heather, for the Holston Family